Thursday, 25 October 2012

Life gives me quite a lot of lemons

Which I appreciate because I love lemons. Loose leaf tea with fresh lemon juice are what gets me through days like this, when I have to painstakingly force myself to write an essay. Or days when I have to prepare Dutch lessons and have mental breakdowns and convince myself I have no talent for anything whatsoever. 
Of course that isn't true, I have for example a semi-decent talent for writing music reviews for Southampton uni's awesome magazine The Edge. I will be doing more of that!
I have also finally discovered the mythical place that is Jesters nightclub. Apparently officially the worst club in the UK, but LOADS OF FUN! It is disgusting and cheap BUT part of the ultimate Southampton experience.

While I was busy procrastinating, I remembered polyvore. And I remembered how it is nearly as much fun as shopping except without spending money. And since I haven't taken any outfit pictures in the past few days, I will just leave you with some polyvore realness.

Very ME

I may have my precious red Litas but that will not stop me from dreaming about owning pairs in every colour to match every single outfit I would ever want to wear


My new wintercoat from H&M! It hasn't been cold enough yet to wear it. Always buy a wintercoat before it actually gets cold, but then when the awful weather does start you will still be a bit happy because you can wear your coat.

Westwood shoes

I would literally die for a pair of plastic Vivienne Westwood shoes.

Coming soon: pictures of my shoes. You know you want to see them.  

1 comment:

  1. Ah, essays always get finished one way or another. Sometimes it's a good idea to take a break and leave it for aa little while. x
