Friday, 15 February 2013

You Put Me In The Magic Position

Today is a beautiful sunny day to match my sunny and positive mood! Last Wednesday I went to see Patrick Wolf, and I was really blown away by how amazing he was. He is one of those artists that I've known about for years and years, and I always enjoyed his music when I came across it but I've just never completely got into him for no particular reason. When Lisa told me he was going to be playing in Southampton I decided I was going to go and see if maybe he would convert me into an actual fan if I saw him life, and itt turned out the gig was actually in the university concert hall, 10 minutes away from my house! I was into it right away, he is one of the most sympathetic and interesting artists I've seen in a long time and his music is just beautiful and unique and wonderful.

Another significant thing that happened this week is the discovery of the above picture. It has inspired me massively to write a collection of surreal poems about fish. I've been writing a lot lately since my creative writing module has started, in fact I've just finished my first assignment that I might put up here later. It's about the time I spent in the magic land of witches and talking skeletons (my childhood). 

Also, very soon I'll have exciting Darkness adventures to share with you all! Three gigs of my beloved favourite band coming up in the next three weeks or so.

Enjoy the sunshine, and if it is raining remember what Percy Shelley wrote: 

"Oh wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?"

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